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Chenu makes creating cheat menus easy. You can have a beautiful menu with just a few lines of code.

What is Chenu?

Chenu is a library that allows you to create a cheat menu with ease. It is very easy to use and has a lot of features. Your cheat menu will look very professional and will be easy to use. It is incredibly easy to add on hacks and toggle hacks. In addition, there is a built-in alert system. Making it easy to ask for user input and display information to the user. The alert system uses SweetAlert2, which is a very customizable and easy-to-use alert system. In addition, Chenu has a really useful CLI. The CLI allows you to create a new cheat menu, start a developing server, and more. The CLI is very easy to use and will make your life easier. Chenu even allows a hot reloading cheat menu! When you use the command chenu-cli dev, a dev server will start. Whenever you make any changes to your cheat menu, the dev server will automatically build, then reload the cheat menu. This makes it very easy to develop your cheat menu. There is no reason not to use Chenu when building your next cheat menu! Learn how to create your cheat menu on the next page Getting Started.

Why was Chenu created?

Prior, to Chenu's creation it was really hard to create a quality cheat menu. There were no libraries that made it easy to create a cheat menu. To create a quality cheat menu a lot of things are needed. These include but are not limited to the following:

  • A good UI
  • A good alert system
  • Good styling
  • Optimized bundle size
  • Easy to use
  • Easy to add hacks

This was hard to achieve. Creating a good UI was hard without (p)react. Almost all alert systems use SweetAlert2. However, SweetAlert2 requires some more code by the user, this is why Chenu has a wrapper over SweetAlert2. Styling is also quite annoying to do. Having a good hack-adding system is also quite challenging to create. All of these reasons and more are why Chenu was created. The goal of Chenu is for more people to create cheat menu's so games will have better security/anti-cheat. I have had plans for cheat menus but not enough time to create them. Chenu will make it easier for me to create cheat menus. I hope Chenu will make it easier for you to create cheat menus too!